Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
77 lines
00index.txt this file
2pat15 2Pat 1.5 - Wavetable instrument converter (Windows) (sound)
6692mod 669 -> 8-track MOD - v1.0 (music)
bin2dbg BINARY -> DEBUG - binary file to (dos) debug script (binary)
bmp2bgi1 BMP -> BGI - v1.0 with c source (graphics)
bmp2bpi BMP -> BPI (Bit Plane Image) - David Springer (asm) (graphics)
c2snd201 DeskMate SND <-> WAV/RAW - Conv2snd 2.01 (pascal) (music)
cake2mid.lzh Cakewalk 2.0 -> MIDI format 1 (music)
cel2pcx.lzh CEL -> PCX - KISS file converter (C++) (graphics)
cmf2mid CMF -> MIDI format 0 (music)
conv-mpg MPEG -> RAW or DIB - dmpeg 1.1 (graphics)
convrt14 43 formats -> formats - Convert 1.4b (music)
coolview PCX -> ASCII - Cool View Pack, convert/load/view (asm/pascal)
cv2sam31 SAM <-> RAW/VOC/WAV - Convert to SAM 3.01 by Jim Dahl (sound)
da2wav1g CD digital audio data -> WAV - CDDA 1.0g (music)
dl2gl.arj DL -> GL (animation)
dxf2hsh 3D Font -> Animation Master - C source (graphics)
fli2exe2 FLI -> EXE - version 2.0 (animation)
fli2gif FLI -> GIF (animation -> graphics)
flicit25 GIF/TGA -> FLC - Flicit 2.5 (animation)
flimaker SLD/RND -> FLI - Autodesk Animator FLImaker 1.02s (animation)
fnt2bdf FNT -> BDF - MS Win format to bitmap dist format (font) (C)
fontpak DOS screen font -> SVGACC font (font)
gif2bmp GIF -> BMP (graphics)
gif2icon GIF -> ICON - 32x32x16 gif to Windows icon (graphics)
gif2jpg2 GIF <-> JPEG - beware HSI format (graphics)
gif2lbm 256 color GIF -> XLib LBM/PAL - 1.1 w/source (graphics)
hlp2thp TurboPower HLP -> Borland HLP - pascal help file converter
htmlco16 HTML -> ASCII - HTMLCon 1.6 (text)
iff2pbm ILBM -> PBM/PAL (Xlib/ACK3D) pictures w/src (graphics)
iffvoc.exe IFF (Amiga) -> VOC - 1.0 by Kevin Bachus (sound)
iw2gif ImageWise -> GIF (graphics)
jpg5a JPEG <-> GIF/BMP/TGA/RLE/PPM/PGM - JPEG Group 5a (graphics)
jpg5a386 JPEG <-> GIF/BMP/TGA/RLE/PPM/PGM - JPEG Group 5a (graphics)
mac2gif MacPaint -> GIF - MAC2GIF 1.00 (graphics)
midi2cs MIDI -> CSOUND - Midi2Cs 0.92, create Csound scores (music)
mod15ins MOD <-> MOD - 15 instruments from/to 31 instr MOD (C) (music)
mod2669 MOD -> 669 (music)
mod2mid.lzh MOD -> MIDI (Windows 3.x Visual Basic program) (music)
mpeg2p12 MPEG -> PPM - extract 24bit PPM files, version 1.2 (movie)
mtmmod11 MTM -> MOD - v1.1 (music)
pat2raw.arj GUS patch files -> raw samples (8/16-bit) (sound)
pcx2txt PCX -> TEXT - compile pcx into C programs (C source) (graphics)
pcxdxb11 PCX -> DXB - b&w pics, AutoCAD (graphics)
pcxslt18 PCX -> DXF - PCX Scan Line Trans 1.8, b&w, AutoCAD (graphics)
picconv Chris Egerter's - GIF/PCX/LBM/PAK/RAW/own format (graphics)
pnmtobjc.uue PNM -> Canon Raster Image Command (uuencoded) (graphics)
pov2mry2 POV -> MDL/ANC - pov2mry 0.91 (Povray to Moray) (graphics)
ppmtoxpm.lzh PPM -> XPM (graphics)
ppp.arj PCX -> pascal source (TP) (graphics)
ptmid3 general MIDI 0 and 1 -> MOD - Ptmid 0.3 w/C source (music)
qt2mpeg QT -> MPEG - 24bit QuickTime to MPEG + WAV (unix) (movie)
s1p_i2r IFF -> RAW - mode13h, 286+ by Unreal/S!P (asm) (graphics)
sc11 Sound Converter 1.1 - NST/STM/669/MOD 6/8-tracks (music)
shx2shp SHX -> SHP - AutoCAD (fonts)
sndtowav SND -> WAV - v0.05 (sound)
sndvoc.exe VOC -> SND (Raw File) - 0.01b Kevin Withnall (sound)
sox10dos SOund eXchange 10 for dos - sound converter/processor (sound)
stm2mod STM -> MOD - ToAmiga v1.0 (music)
stx2stm STX -> STM - version 1.0 by Lutz Roeder (music)
sun2voc.lzh AU -> VOC - version 1.0 by Kevin Bachus (sound)
tga2gif TGA (type 2) -> GIF - by Stephen Coy (C src) (graphics)
tga2tif TARGA -> TIFF (graphics)
tx2pcx text screen -> PCX (graphics)
vap2vox VAP <-> VOX - Rick Geymont (C src) (sound)
vfd17 FLI/FLC/AVI <- BMP/RLE/DIB/TGA/PCX/GIF - Video for DOS (movie)
vff2bmp VFF -> BMP - SUN/IVP .vff to 24bit .bmp (graphics)
voc2sam3.lzh VOC -> SAM (sample) - version 3.0 (sound)
wav2smp WAV -> SMP - WAV to ST3 sample converter 1.11 (sound)
wav2voc.exe WAV -> VOC - version 1.01 (sound)
wavconv WAV <-> VMF/SND/VOC/VMD - WavConv 1.0 by James Curran (sound)
wavtosnd.exe WAV -> SND - v0.05 (sound)
wmf2bmp WMF -> BMP - Visual Basic program (Windows) (graphics)
wsd2snd.lzh 16bit Motorola WDS -> 16bit Intel SND - (sound samples)
x2ps X window dump -> PostScript - C src, need XWDFile.h (graphics)
xmi2mid XMI -> MIDI - 1.0b by Markus Hein (music)